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The restaurant U tří zlatých hvězd (Three Golden Stars) is located at Malostranské náměstí (Lesser Town Square) No. 8 in a romantic part of Prague very close to St. Nicolas Church, only few steps from Charles Bridge.

We offer:

  • congenial ambience with a wide selection of meals and wines
  • we will be pleased to arrange various company meetings
  • parlour in the basement is recommended for working meetings
  • we offer a group menu in line with your demands
  • restaurant capacity is 70 guests.

    Staff members speak Czech, English, German and Russian

  • History

    The first written records of the house Three Golden Stars come from as early as 1400 after Christ.

    The house was completely destroyed by fire during Hussite wars. After twelve years it was restored and in 1813 principally rebuilt and in this shape preserved till present times.

    It is one of the few houses in Prague built in Empire style.

    Interior is decorated by full-wall murals. Drawing from book Atalanta Fugiens written in 1618 by Emperor Rudolph´s II personal doctor Michael Maier, alchemist and member of the Knights of the Cross Order, served as model for these paintings. The figures depict various stages of consciousness undergone by a novice of the great work on his road to cognition.

    Right opposite the entrance door, a replica of a marble slab with the face of the pagan god Triton can be seen, which is one of the most visited places in Rome. A legend is connected with the slab: if a liar puts their hand in the god’s mouth, they will never pull out the hand. The slab is therefore called La Bocca della Verita (Mouth of Truth). A famous scene from the romantic comedy Roman Holiday starring Audrey Hepburn takes place at the original slab.